“We’re full of it.”

• Biologically active compost

• Life-giving micro-organisms

• Plant & Tree nutrition

• Soil building humus

Krull's Composting Logo

“A nation that destroys it’s soil destroys itself.”

~Franklin D. Roosevelt


Just like roots in the ground, we like to dive deeper into the how and why of composting and enriching your soil for a healthier future. Enjoy learning more with us as we post more insights here in these articles.

Great Michigan Compost Tour

Great Michigan Compost Tour

YOU'RE INVITED! Please join us on Monday, Sept. 16th, 9:30am-12pm Part of the Great Michigan Compost Tour, the event will begin at our Market Stand. Tim Overdier will be speaking on Biochar; We will be doing a demonstration; Also hosting guest microbiologist Alexa....

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The Crucial Connection

The Crucial Connection

There is a direct relationship between minerals in the soil and minerals in the body. There is a direct connection between nutrition and optimal health. Nutrition is the foundation of a healthy body that resists disease. The mineral content of the soil determines the mineral content of food.

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(231) 360-0243

Farm Stand + Farm

857 W Burdickville Rd, Maple City, MI 49664

Let's Connect.

Reach out to us today. We are excited to connect with you!